Tag Archive | Podcast

Pod, James Pod Podcast: Episode 005 – ‘You Only Live Twice’


Pod, James Pod Podcast is ringing in the new year with a new episode covering You Only Live Twice. We really get into the nitty-gritty of the film and talk about what it would be like to turn Japanese, and how Gravity stole this movie’s plot, but not before we pick not-so-pretend dodgeball teams made up of Bond characters. Let us know which team you think would win!

You can listen using the player below or on iTunes or Stitcher.

Pod, James Pod Podcast


If you’re into James Bond films even in the slightest, I invite you to go check out the new podcast ‘Pod, James Pod’ that I’m co-hosting with fellow blogger Carlin from Nerd Lunch.

It’s random, messy, and you may be questioning why you ever started listening to it. But that’s ok. That’s what Pod, James Pod is there for; to make every other podcast look good.

You can go visit our tumblr page, or listen on iTunes or Stitcher  to our first episode covering GoldenEye. We will be covering a new movie once a month with new episodes dropping on the 007th of every month. You can also listen by clicking the player below. Enjoy!

Nerd Lunch Podcast: Fast Food on the Cheap

Ok, so I know this has nothing to do with movies or media, but if you’re looking for 4 grown men talking about fast food values, then you’ve come to the right blogpost. Nerd Lunch invited me to fill in for their increasingly empty third chair this week and I couldn’t turn down this topic.

We talk about the evolution of dollar menus, value meals, bargains, coupons, and the future of fast food that won’t break your bank. Listen to it on Nerd Lunch‘s site or play below.
