Archive | June 2015

‘Jurassic World’ and its lack of fear




(2015 – Director: Colin Trevorrow   Cast: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard)

Jurassic World has plenty of merits. Colin Trevorrow takes the helm as director/co-writer after only having directed one prior feature (a personal favorite, Safety Not Guaranteed) and gives a giant picture with a giant scope about giant creatures some clarity all while peppering in homages to the original Jurassic Park. No matter what, every Jurassic Park franchise film will be compared to the original. And rightfully so. There are plenty of things that Jurassic World does right, but it trips over so many essentials that made Jurassic Park a classic. A lot of other people have written about the overuse of CGI, the amount of screen time dinosaurs have versus the original, and how every female, minus the dinosaur, has a brain the size of a fish. But what bothers me most about JW is its lack of attention when it comes to fear and suspense.  Read More…

Pod, James Pod Podcast: Episode 0022 – ‘Thunderball’ and ‘Never Say Never Again’


This month we delve into TWO James Bond films for the first time as we talk about Thunderball and Never Say Never AgainIt’s extra long because we do nothing but talk about these movies. We don’t talk about mastermind groups, book writing, the Poddies, QK, or anything like that. Get ready for some metaphysical, alternate reality discussion about the Bond universe.

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